From its genesis, Quakerism has centered on obeying the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19–20[1] to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you.” In fact, in chapter one of his journal, Quaker founder George Fox confessed,
The Lord commanded me to go abroad into the world, which was like a briery, thorny wilderness; and when I came, in the Lord’s mighty power, with the word of life into the world, the world swelled and made a noise like the great raging waves of the sea. Priests and professors, magistrates and people, were all like a sea when I came to proclaim the day of the Lord amongst them, and to preach repentance to them. I was sent to turn people from darkness to the light, that, they might receive Christ Jesus: for, to as many as should receive Him in His light, I saw that He would give power to become the sons of God; which I had obtained by receiving Christ.
Inspired by Fox’s earnest testimony and fervent praxis (and God’s affirmation of their evangelistic yearnings), other early Friends followed suit and began sharing the Gospel in England and the American colonies in the seventeenth century. By the end of the twentieth century, though, Quaker missionaries had greatly expanded their missionary efforts, traveling to the four corners of the globe, including remote regions of Africa, India, China, and North America (as well as in South and Central America) to establish the Gospel among the nationals and indigenous peoples.[2] Not least of which, Bolivia found itself the focus of much missionary enterprise by William Abel,[3] Juan Ayllon,[4] Tomassa Valle,[5] Jack Willcuts,[6] and other important Central American missionaries.
Just like George Fox, these brave and dedicated Friends felt the Holy Spirit’s calling in their lives and went specifically to Bolivia to help its people “[receive] His word and [find] rest to their troubled souls.”[7] Their evangelism was not random nor skewed; rather, they approached missions work, carefully—in quantitative and qualitative ways. Nordyke explains,
There are three fundamental types of quantitative church growth: biological, transfer, and conversion. Biological means growth through the children born to the church families . . . Transfer growth means the members of one church transferring to another church . . . Conversion growth is winning new people from the world.[8]
Perhaps from their insiders’ perspective (and personal, real-life observations), these missionaries saw these options played out, regularly, and acted upon them, productively.
Thus, Thomas notes of missionary Carroll Tamplin’s Bolivian excursions,
The ministry focus in the first half of the 1930s continued to be in evangelism, both on the part of the mission and on the part of the growing body of national workers, usually working together. Sometimes, Tamplin and the workers he was training visited places where they had contacts and a small group of believers. Sometimes, they set out on their own and entered completely unreached areas.[9]
In other words, the statistical, quantitative focus was on how many, how often, where, and how big—showing the breadth of the missionary milieu.
Yet, regarding qualitative discipleship growth of the nationals, Nordyke remarks,
By this [unnamed missionary] means the deepening of a Christian's spiritual experience, resulting in the bringing of new believers into a living relationship with Jesus Christ and with other Christians . . . He felt it was more important to win a few and have them become “perfect” Christians than to be the poor example he felt some other groups were because their rapidly growing churches were filled with new Christians.[10]
Fleshing this concept out even further, regarding Willcuts’ veteran conclusions on missional church growth, Stansell writes, “In Bolivia, God's rule through his people happened when people turned to Christ, when better agriculture was practiced, when education was shared, and when Aymara men and women were empowered by God to raise their faces and hearts toward God in dignity and grace.”[11] In other words, qualitative growth is more interested in individual or small group investment and holistic development, which indicates the spiritual depth or character of the people, rather than in mere numbers.
The truth of the matter assuredly lies somewhere between these two approaches. Thomas’ depiction of Ayllon’s La Paz congregation as “A strong preaching ministry, outreach into surrounding communities, the gradual development of local leadership, discipleship through Sunday school and Bible training classes, and general education classes for literacy were all aspects of this congregation from the beginning”[12]—seems to affirm missional hopes, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Ayllon’s congregation was a place where the multitudes’ needs were voiced and served (Acts 2:42–47). It also was a place that attracted many people for its “Good News” that changed their lives forever, through the God of the universe (and his followers) who actually saw them, touched them, and called them by name. Instead of a contrived façade of faith, it was an organic reservoir of divine love and authentic believers of Christ.[13]
Although physical churches are helpful to the Great Commission, the apostle Paul exhorted his readers, “For weare God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building” (1 Cor 3:9). So, while it is good to construct churches, it is better thing to establish disciples, especially since Jesus instructed his Disciples, “For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst” (Matt 18:20).
Portland Pastor Frank Damazio sums it up well when he writes,
A church with no roof and no walls has no obstructions standing in the way of a free flow of God's love, forgiveness, power and blessings. It is a church with open heavens and intercessory prayer. It is not isolated from the unsaved and the unchurched. There is an unobstructed flow of the gospel to the multitudes. This is the church that goes into the highways and the hedges and compels people to come in so that God's house will be filled (see Luke 14:23).[14]
Truly, the sagacious missions work in Bolivia over the past hundred years has shown that the size of a congregation is less important (or evangelistically effective) than the depths of its love for God and others.
Damazio, Frank. Strategic Church: A Lie-changing Church in an Ever-changing Culture. Ventura: Regal, 2012.
Nordyke, Quentin. Animistic Aymaras and Church Growth. Newberg: Barclay, 1972.
Thomas, Nancy J. A Long Walk, a Gradual Ascent: The Story of the Bolivian Friends Church in Its Context of Conflict. Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2019.
Stansell, Ron. Missions by the Spirit: Learning from Quaker Examples. Newberg: Barclay, 2009.
[1] All scriptures are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE (NASB).
[2] Ron Stansell, Missions by the Spirit: Learning from Quaker Examples (Newberg: Barclay, 2009), 10.
[3] Nancy J. Thomas, A Long Walk, A Gradual Ascent: The Story of the Bolivian Friends Church in Its Context of Conflict (Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2019), 17.
[4] Thomas, A Long Walk, A Gradual Ascent, 21.
[5] Thomas, A Long Walk, A Gradual Ascent, 25.
[6] Stansell, Missions by the Spirit, 209.
[7] Thomas, A Long Walk, A Gradual Ascent, 15.
[8] Quentin Nordyke, Animistic Aymaras and Church Growth (Newberg: Barclay, 1972), 152–53.
[9] Thomas, A Long Walk, A Gradual Ascent, 30.
[10] Nordyke, Animistic Aymaras and Church Growth, 161.
[11] Stansell, Missions by the Spirit, 227.
[12] Thomas, A Long Walk, A Gradual Ascent, 36.
[13] Nordyke, Animistic Aymaras and Church, 182.
[14] Frank Damazio, Strategic Church: A Life-changing Church in an Ever-changing Culture (Ventura: Regal, 2012), 233.