An ADD’s Delight: Tantalizing Tales of Courage, Curiosity, and Closure
A Tiny Tale (January 25, 1998)
A group of people are standing beside an old poster bed. An old woman lies in bed, sick and dying. At her feet rest her pets- a Persian cat and a Collie dog. One of the people, the doctor, leans over the old woman and listens to heart with a stethoscope. The old woman's grandson, Charlie, and granddaughter, Elizabeth, look on intensely, whispering to each other.
Nanna's going to buy it soon.
Shhhhhh! Don't say that! Nanna can hear you.
Right. The old lady hasn't heard anything I've said for years.
You still shouldn't say it. Its mean and nasty.
“Actually, what's mean and nasty is to make us wait for her to. . . .”
He pauses and smiles at her.
(continuing) pass on to another plane of existence.
Well, I want to be here. Nanna shouldn't be alone now.
She's not alone. She's not alone. She's got her beloved children beside her.
The dog looks up at Charlie and Elizabeth, wags its tail, and begins to scratch behind its ear. The cat only looks at them with indifference. Standing up, the doctor motions for them to come over.
It won't be long now. You better go talk to her. She has something she wants to tell you.
As the grandchildren approach, their eyes grow large with fear. Nanna has a blue-gray tint to her skin. They stop short of the bed.
Elizabeth. Charlie. Come closer.
She pats the area beside her on the bed. Elizabeth rushes to her side, hugs her, and begins to cry.
Oh Nanna...
Nanna pats her on the shoulder as she cries.
Hush child. It's okay.. It' It's okay. It's almost time for me to go but I have something to ask of you both.
What is it, Nanna?
Well, if you’d quit interrupting me, I'd tell you. I need you both to promise me you'll take good care of Chloe and Chester. I don't want them ending up at some animal shelter or worse. They deserve better than that.
“Oh, great. We get to take care of the . . .”
“Charlie and I will be happy to take them for you, Nanna.”
Charlie pats R^^jjvvÇÇééöö¶¶≤≤ææ ÷ them better than that. You ave to.... (cough, cough). They need love... (cough, cough) and...
She begins to cough harder and harder until she starts to wheeze. The doctor rushes to help her. Nanna layThe doctor rushes to help her. Nanna lays her head back down and her pets move to each side of her, under her arms. The dog licks her nose and whimpers. The cat, purring loudly, rubsto each side of her, under her arms. The dog licks her nose and whimpers. The cat, purring loudly, rubsy, rubs its forehead against her shoulder. Nanna smiles and takes in a deep breath. It is her last. The doctor checks for breathing and a pulse but there’s none. Elizabeth begins to wail as Charlie feebly attempts to console her. The doctor pulls the sheet t the grandchildren. She jumps off the bed and up onto the vanity table and begins rubbing her head against Nanna's hairbrush. Charlie and Elizabeth move around the bed to watch her. Chester just stays on the bed head cocked, tail wagging. Chloe then jover Nanna's face, grabs his bag, and quietly leaves the room. Charlie and Elizabeth stay there for a few moments in shock until they are interrupted by a unusual sound coming from the cat. Chloe is twitching and shaking, meowing mournfully, and staring umps off the vanity table and onto the bedside table. A book rests on it and using her paws, Chloe pushes it open and appears to be reading. ble. A book rests on it and using her paws, Chloe pushes it open and appears to be reading. be reading. ng. at Nanna.
What the hell?
Something's happening to Chloe.
Suddenly, Chloe stops her erratic behavior and looks aWhat the hell?
Something's happening to Chloe.
Suddenly, Chloe stops her erratic be and looks ating up like this. Animals sense death and it makes them behave strangely.
Chloe jumps down to the floor and walks over to where Nanna's slippers are placed and puts both of her front paws into them. The grandchildren stare with their mouths opeNanna on the head and gives her a condescending smile.
Don't you worry, Nanna, I'll treat them like they were my own kids.
Nanna rises up in bed. Her face changes from gray to purple.
You will not, Charlie. You'll treatCharlie walks over to her and picks up the book.
It's “All Creatures Great and Small.”
You don't think...
No, I don't. There's a perfectly good explanation for her acsense death and it nakes them behavn. Chloe meows questioningly. Charlie immediately turns and heads for the door.
I'll go get the carrying cages for them.
h leans close to Chloe and strokes her head.
Hi, Nanna.
Chester jumps off the bed and sits next to
Bending down, Elizabeth leans close to Chloe and strokes her head.
Hi, Nanna.
Chester jumps off the bed and sits next to Chloe.
You shouldn't have tricked them like that.
I told you it would work. Humans are so gullible. What perfect timing.
Apparently you've been reading too much Machiavelli. What did Kant write? Out of timing.
Apparently you've been reading too much Machiavelli. What did Kant write? Out of the crooked timber of felines, no straight thing can ever be made?
Don't be such a snob. Didn't Blake tell us to drive our carts and plows over the bones of the dead? You have to take care of number one. Nanna's dead. Nothing can change that. I just made sure we wouldn't be going to the “Big House.”
Watch out for bad Karma, Chloe. It'll bite you on the butt every time.
I'll keep that in mind, dog, as I’m resting in the sun.
, dog,
Charlie walks in with one carrying cage. He picks up Chloe and puts her inside.
Tell you what, Sis. You take Chester and I'll take care of Chloe. I’ll take excellent care of her. In fact, I’ll treat her just like she was old Nanna. Sweet old Nanna.
Charlie smiles at Chloe wickedly and shakes the cage a couple of times. Chloe begins to hiss and scratch at the cage door. Chester just wags his tail as Elizabeth scratches his head.
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Feature 3
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