Genesis: Knox's Commentaries on the Bible, Vol. 1 (PDF Version)
Genesis: Knox's Commentaries on the Bible, Vol. 1 (PDF Version)
The Book of Genesis is the first book in both the Hebrew and Christian bibles—the first offering in the Pentateuch or the Torah, which is the primary textual and spiritual authority for ancient and modern Jews alike. It presents a narrative of the creation of the world and the nation of Israel. Being a diverse document, it contains a variety of traditions, genres, and potentially comes from multiple sources although it is traditionally credited to Moses (ca. 1500 BCE). The story of Genesis is set in the Fertile Crescent, which stretches from the Persian Gulf to Syria down to Egypt. Genesis, therefore, is lived out where civilization began, where law, writing, and monarchies originated.
“Dr. John S. Knox’s extensive background in Church History, Theology, Psychology, Sociology, and devotion qualifies him to surface key themes in a winsome manner. He discusses how others have gained, attained, or disdained the knowledge of objective reality—known biblically as God’s will—assisting us in our correlation with God. He succinctly brings key elements from the Genesis narrative for review and discussion. He skillfully invites the learner/explorer into God’s sandbox to work with eternal truths. Then, he welcomes us to the shallow end of the pool to explore our relationship with God.” David L. Ream, Author—Hippie Voices to God’s Heart: Calvary Chapel Encounters God (Wipf & Stock, 2024)